Sunday, September 14, 2008

Weekend Warriors

I just love this picture of David and our canine son Duke. It makes me smile everytime I look at it.

So we've been busy trying to get the house in order in preparation for David's parents coming to visit for the first time ever.
The past couple of weeks we were focused on redoing the office/guest room. We are hitting the final stride on that one with only the window treatments and some lighting to address and it will be complete.

This weekend we constructed two new walls to create a separation between our bedroom and the bathroom. (We live in an 80+ year old house so you can imagine that at one time there was no bathroom and the layout after adding one was a bit odd)

We've got the framing done and the basic structure of the walls complete, now the fun part - getting all the surface work and trim work done and making it look pretty. The dogs seem to like the change, especially Dixie who thinks this made her crate extra cozy. They were'nt at all fond of the air compressor runing though...they decided to hide out under the back porch most of the time we were working.

I need longer weekends to get all my projects completed.
I have to say though, I can really tell the limitations of my energy level now...I go balls to the wall and then WHOOSH...I'm done..out of gas..that's it. It is so hard to tell myself "okay, you have to stop" , but I am learning that I really will pay for it the next day if I don't listen to what the body is saying.

Tonight was a shot night too. I am noticing some of the "lack of sensitivity" returning to my feet, but so far nothing like I experienced last year this time. The injection sites are still wanting to whelp up a bit, but I have been using a cold compress on the locations prior to the injection and that seems to help. The legs seem to have the most issues. I have been having weird feelings in my calves..and experiencing alot of spasms in my legs in general.

Allright time to herd up the hounds and call it a night...

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