Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tingling Foot....

Hmmmm..well it seems like maybe some of my symptoms from last fall might be returning.
I woke up this morning and my left foot feels like it is lacking in sensitivity...that familiar not quite numb..not quite "falling asleep" sensation is edging up from my toes towards my heel. I had a bit of a similar feeling last week in the right foot but it faded as the morning went on so we'll see how this one goes today...
I also got some information in the mail regarding my Betaseron. It appears they are coming out with a new self-injector that will use a smaller needle!! Wooo Hooo! I am going to visit the webiste today and check it out and see about getting mine ordered. I don't have any problem giving myself my shots, but I do have some issues with injection site redness and swelling sometimes. It has improved some since I started using the cold packs though.

It was a VERY productive weekend around the house. We are on the downhill side of our new hall construction project. All the major work is done and we just have to hang the new door, sand the floor and stain it, and trim out around the door opening. We also decided to go ahead and repaint the existing walls and trim so that everything just looks all nice and new. It is all looking so good!

Work is super busy, we're still on the search for someone with HVAC and plumbing talents. Hopefully we'll find someone soon. We have so much work on the horizon! I love having a full plate and staying very busy, much better than the alternative.

Speaking of work..better get to it!

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