Monday, September 29, 2008


After working hard all day yesterday painting the new hall, and generally trying to get the house back in some kind of order so that it can be cleaned before the inlaws arrive this Saturday it's no wonder I was wiped out by 8pm last night. It was a shot night so after supper I did my injection and prepared to go hit the hay. We had just gotten everyone situated (i.e. Duke was at my feet, Daisy Joon was between David and I and Dixie was in her crate) and I was all snuggled in ready to drift off when WHAM! the backs of both my thighs seized up in massive cramps...then the muscles going up across my butt cheeks into my lower back on both sides just started rippling in cramps!!!
It was all I could do to get myself up out of the bed. I stood there froze in agony. Poor David did'nt know what to do...I was just wincing and crying. He went to the kitchen and got me some Tonic Water (quanine). I chugged it down and tried to force myself to move. It was awful..the cramping was like it was going in waves from my knees to my waist..finally as I moved around some it started to subside...I'll be honest, I was scared to lay back down for fear it would sieze up again!

Finally I stretched out and was able to get to sleep. I woke up this morning feeling as if I had been in a fight! I hope nothing like that happens again anytime soon...mercy.


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