Monday, October 20, 2008

Spasticity and the Weather...

So as the weather is taking it's next seasonal turn so are my "issues". The latest being that my legs have decided to freak out at night when it's time to go to bed. As soon as I lay down and get comfortable I start getting this tightening in my legs and then this pain starts resonating up from my feet in a wave like fashion up to my hips. I have also been getting very odd cramps. My legs will bolt straight out and I will have cramps behind my kneecaps and there have been occasions when the cramps have gone from the backs of the knees up the back of the thighs into my butt cheeks!
Talk about painful! But this latest tightening and complete leg aching has been really aggravating so I called and talked to the nurse today. She suggested increasing my fluid intake and trying to stretch and relax before bedtime. I want to avoid any more meds at all i am thinking maybe some yoga type stretches will be beneficial...
I told her I will give it a go and keep her updated. She said I might see it subside once the season has shifted over completely into the cooler weather. I am hoping I don't slip into the same issues I first experienced, it seemed that the cold weather issues were much more frustrating than the hot weather ones....

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